Saturday, September 25, 2010

Salem Witch Trials or Halloween?

Witches. What's the first thing that comes to mind? A green ugly face face and a long nose with pimples and warts. Oh, and don't forget the big pointy black hat. The only time I've ever seen a witch is on Halloween and in the Wizard of Oz. Where did this image of a witch come from? I wonder if it first emerged in a popular book or newspaper or journal written by an individual, or if it sprouted from years of gossip about the "witches" who plagued the early American settlers.

Like everyone else who read this, I have started to think about that ugly face. And that ugly face makes me think of costumes, which makes me think of Halloween. By far the best holiday ever. Throw on some random clothes and/or make up, grab a pillowcase and knock on your neighbors door to receive a handful of candy. I have to admit, it's not quite as weird as Thanksgiving. Both holidays used to represent an idea or had a meaning behind each event that took place that day. Now it seems like people just do it for the reward, whether it be candy or Grandma's homemade apple pie.

Still, I'm a sucker for free stuff. Especially when that stuff is candy. And super-especially when I can get as many pounds as I want as long as I keep my feet moving. But, once you get home, only half the work is done. Now comes the candy-trading process, also known as Hustling-your-little-brother. Without a doubt arguing will ensure, followed immediatley by stealing. The bigger usually wins, and thankfully that's me.

P.S. Skittles are by far the best candy.


  1. Nice segway from witches to Halloween, very effective. Your description of the stereotypical witch appearance definitely had me thinking about the witch from the Wizard of Oz. Her image is practically the standard for every other ugly witch. The mention of Thanksgiving was a tad bit random though.

  2. I love Halloween, it's a great holiday. I totally agree with you on the green ugly witch stereotype while reading this book. I think it makes it more comical, as the accused clearly do not fit the Witch persona, although the accusers in Salem see them as monsters. If you think about it, it's a pretty interesting comparison.

  3. I've always wondered about the origins of witches especially since I've seen contradicting versions of them. Majority of Americans might see witches as evil and ugly, whereas in a country like Italy they see witches as a generous lady that brings gifts to children.

  4. Halloween pales in comparison to Thanksgiving as a holiday. I do like the fact that you used the term, "super-especially," though. Although I am pretty sure that that is incorrect grammar, and were this a formal essay assignment, points would definitely be taken off. Have to agree with you about the Skittles, although Raisinettes are pretty fantastic too.

  5. I have no idea what Halloween is actually about. I wonder what it is about, even though I dont think it really matters because I just like getting candy.
